French with coin pocket

         The French with coin pockets is a watch pocket, which was first used by men who carried pocket watches and required a safe location to keep them.

         However, the pocket has also been used for a variety of other things over the years, such as currency hoarding and more.

         These are the little pockets with an open top that we usually interpret with the backs of our jeans and other casual clothing.

         By including embellishments like embroidery, buttons, or inventive stitching, they may be given a more individual appearance.

French with closed pocket

         This type of pocket is one of the deep pocket types with a bit of an angle.

         The space allows you to keep your small essentials whilst on the go, but keep in mind to never put in too much hence it can make the overall look baggy and unprofessional.

         Other than that there is also a stitching pattern near the lining of the pocket, it follows the patch till the end.

          This is the normal pocket length for a trouser and it is one of the most common pocket types.

Closed Pant Pocket

         A closed pant pocket can also be known as the frogmouth pocket or continental pocket. The outside appearance looks like a patch where the length is short, but wide.

         It can also be seen as if the pocket is slightly slanted and there is also a stitched pattern next to the design of the pocket.

          However, it is not that trendy in today’s world, but it resembles those in jeans and because of jeans and trousers popularity it can still be seen in some places.

Contact us for any kind of questions or just drop by our tailor shop in Patong, Otop.
